Safety Data Sheet (SDS) Chemical List Submission - SECTION 311 and s. 323.60, Wis. Stats., states that the owner or operator of a facility, required under the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) to prepare or have available a Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for a hazardous chemical, must submit to WEM, LEPC, and the local fire department, an SDS for each hazardous chemical OR an SDS Chemical List, listing hazardous chemical grouped by hazard category, for each hazardous chemical present at a facility in quantities that equal or exceed 10,000 pounds and for EHS that are present at a facility in quantities that equal or exceed 500 pounds or the TPQ, whichever is less.

Section 311 is not an annual reporting requirement. However, revised SDSs or SDS chemical lists must be provided to  Wisconsin Emergency Management (WEM) , the Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC), and the local fire department within three months after the discovery of significant new information concerning the hazardous chemical or when a new hazardous chemical becomes present at the facility above the established levels.

Note: By using WHOPRS to meet Section 311 and s. 323.60 Wis. Stats. requirements, a facility meets the requirements of providing the SDSs or SDS chemical list to all the required entities - WEM, LEPC and local fire departments.