Emergency Planning Notification - SECTION 302 and s. 323.60 Wis. Stats., requires the owner or operator of a facility that has present any extremely hazardous substances (EHS), in amounts that equal or exceed the chemical-specific threshold planning quantity (TPQ), to notify WEM and the LEPC that the facility is subject to the planning provisions of the Act. This requirement must be done within 60 days of the EHS being present at the facility at or above the TPQ. In Wisconsin the facility would report using Form DMA 1003, Emergency Planning Notification Fee Statement. There is a one-time $1,080 planning fee also due within 60 days of the EHS being present at or above the TPQ. A 20% late payment surcharge is due if the fee is paid after 60 days. A facility is exempt from fee payment if the operator has less than 10 full time equivalent (FTE) employees (less than 20,000 paid hours annually) in the state.
If you no longer store EHS chemicals, or the quantity falls below the TPQ, you need to submit an EPN report filling out section 2 with a Reporting Exemption reason. This way, state and local authorities can adjust their plans accordingly.