You still need to file an Annual report with chemicals for that year if the threshold was met for even one day in the previous year.
**The reportable threshold level for Tier II reporting is defined as Hazardous chemicals at or above 10,000 pounds OR Extremely Hazardous Substances at or above 500 pounds or the designated threshold planning quantity (TPQ), if lower than 500 pounds OR any hazardous chemicals that OSHA requires you to maintain a Safety Data Sheet (SDS). Refer to the SDS for the chemical to determine if it is reportable.
3. If your facility was also a planning facility, file an Amended EPN and select Step 2, noting that you no longer store EHS chemicals as of a specific date.
4. If your company has sold, please add a note in the "Notes" section of WHOPRS stating the facility has been sold (include new owner, new owner address, and new owner email if known).
5. Once the Reports (Tier II and EPN (if applicable) are received by Admin noting that reportable quantities are no longer stored onsite, Admin will change the Facility status to Inactive. The facility will not longer appear on the Active Facilities listing.
3. Once the Reports (Tier II and EPN (if applicable) are received by Admin noting that reportable quantities are no longer stored onsite, Admin will change the Facility status to Inactive. The facility will not longer appear on the Active Facilities listing. If this facility does again store reportable quantities of the chemical, you can contact the Admin to make the facility Active again so that you do not need to re-enter all the data.
If you need help on how to report Step 2 on an Annual or Update Tier II Report, please watch this video.
If you need help on how to report Step 2 on an Amended EPN Report. please watch this video: